
Welcome to the happy dough store! 

After searching for beautiful soft doughs and quality, reusable tools for my daughter that did not break the bank, I began making my own. Quickly the passion grew. Happy dough co was created so that I could share these invitations to play with other families.

Happy dough co is a family-owned small business that supplies handmade play dough, wooden and eco-friendly tools, and thoughtfully constructed (but most of all FUN) themed dough kits.

The only thing we are serious about is fun and your safety of course, which is why our doughs are made from food-based products.

What sets happy dough co apart?

All the plastic bits and pieces you find down the couch and up the vacuum cleaner? You won’t find them in our products. Our accessories are thoughtfully chosen with the following priorities in mind wherever possible; reusable, recyclable, compostable.

Our packaging is compostable and recyclable.

We have curated some popular small world play themes that we hope your children will delight in.  We are passionate about diversity and inclusivity, which reflects in our products, and we are always striving to do better. So if you think something is missing, please get in touch!


Sustainability Grant

In 2023, Happy Dough Co was awarded a City of Cockburn Sustainability Grant to further our work in reducing waste. We were able to purchase compostable packaging and mailing materials, as well as a real game changer - a thermal printer with compostable labels that requires exactly zero ink cartridges - which are a notorious contributor to landfill pollution. These purchases would have been impossible without the City’s support - thank you City of Cockburn!